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1a1a0aPortonovi Open 2019 - BasketLjeto u Portonovi rizortu se nastavlja i u septembru i to uz ritmove muzike, plesove, ukuse i gostovanja sa svih krajeva svijeta,

Koncerti Marka Louisa, Perpetuum Mobile benda, Marije Božović, tematske večeri španske, kubanske i mediteranske muzike, kao i večeri latino plesova i džez nota, bile su samo dio Portonovi – Montenegro Essence muzičkog programa ovog avgusta. ‘’Posebno zadovoljstvo nam je bilo da ugostimo i neka od najzačajnijih imena svietske i regionalne muzičke, kulturne i sportske scene poput Fatboy Slima, Fede le Grandea, Petra Graša, natrofejnijeg karatiste Rafaela Agajeva kao i poznate azerbejdžanske pevačice Sevde Alekperzadeh.’’, istakla je Adrijana Husić, menadžerka za marketing i komunikacije.

‘’Program ljeta u Portonovom pažljivo je kreiran za svačiji ukus i sve uzraste. Od Sushi večeri za gastronome, preko 3x3 basket turnira koji se ovog vikenda odigrao na našem Marina skveru, do specijalne edicije izložbe tradicionalnog hercegnovskog Strip festivala na kome su bili izloženi radovi najpoznatijih vrhunskih umjetnika i teoretičara stripa u svijetu poput Enrikea Breće, Marija Albertija i drugih.’’, dodala je ona.

Portonovi ponuda {gallery}1a1A0aPPORTONOVI19{/gallery}

Nedavno je počeo sa radom Portonovi Training Studio koji nudi najviše standarde usluge teretane i fitnesa, sportskih i relaks masaža kao i grupnih aerobnih treninga i joge. Takođe, pažljivo osmišljena selekcija đus bara sa svježe cjeđenim sokovima biće sastavni dio wellness ponude Portonovi trening studija. Od septembra sa radom počinje internacionalni vrtić sa licenciranom metodologijom rada sa najmlađima.

Topli ljetnji dani bili su inspiracija našem Beach Club-u za najbolji DJ line up, vrhunske koktele i egzotičan meni koji spaja mediteranske ukuse sa world fusion kuhinjom. Portonovi Vista fine dining restoran koji, tik uz more, pruža neponovljiv pogled na zalazak sunca, sada je već mjesto susreta dragih prijatelja i mjesto za stvaranje uspomena za cio život.

Ljubitelji dobrog konjaka i kubanskih cigara dobrodošli su u prvi cigar i konjak bar u Crnoj Gori Maison du Monde. Unikatna radionica autentičnog italijanskog đelata Godo đelaterija postala je već omiljeno mjesto za porodične šetnje kroz Portonovi naselje gdje se nalazi Perla Portonovi Square - mjesto za one koji vole da uživaju u mirnoj atmosferi i kvalitetnoj hrani. Do kraja septembra, očekuju nas otvaranja belgijskog paba Manifesto, nesvakidašnjeg Wine Bar-a koji će promovisati koncept vina iz svih krajeva svijeta uz zalogaje autentične mediteranske kuhinje i programom za ljubitelje vina. Servisne usluge Portonovog će biti obogaćane i otvaranjem poslovnice Hipotekarne banke. (PR tekst)

Your special summer moments in Portonovi Summer at the Portonovi Resort continues with some of the best world rhythms -music, dances, tastes and special guests from all over the world. ‘’The performances of Marko Louis, the Perpetuum Mobile band, Marija Bozovic, thematic nights of Spanish, Cuban and Mediterranean music, as well as evenings of Latin dances and Jazz notes were just a part of Portonovi - Montenegro Essence music program this August. We were especially pleased to host some of the most prominent names of international and regional music, cultural and sports scene, such as Fatboy Slim, Fede le Grande, Peter Graso, most rewarded karate Rafael Agayev, and the famous Azerbaijani singer Sevda Alekperzadeh.’’’said Adrijana Husic, Marketing and Communications Manager of Portonovi. ‘’Portonovi program has been carefully crafted for everyone's taste and age. From Sushi Evenings for gastronomes, over the 3x3 Basketball Tournament in our marina square this weekend, to the special edition of the traditional Comic Festival of Herceg Novi, featuring works by some of the world's most famous comic artists and theorists such as Enrique Breccia, Mario Alberti and others’’, she added. Portonovi Offer Portonovi Training Studio, which offers the highest standards of gym and fitness, sports and relaxation massages, as well as group aerobic training and yoga, has started its operations. Also, a specially designed juice bar selection with freshly squeezed juices will be an integral part of Portonovi wellness training program. From September, an international kindergarten with a licensed methodology for working with the youngest will be open as well. The warm summer days were an inspiration to our Beach Club for its best DJs line up, top cocktails and an exotic menu that blends Mediterranean flavors with world fusion cuisine. Portonovi Vista fine dining restaurant, which, right by the sea, offers an unforgettable sunset view, is now a place to meet dear friends and a create memories for life. Lovers of good cognac and Cuban cigars are welcome to the first cigar and cognac bar in Montenegro Maison du Monde. The unique gelateria of the authentic Italian Gelato, Godo, has already become a favorite place for family walks through Portonovi Village. By the end of September, we are expecting the opening of the Belgian Pub Manifesto and an extraordinary Wine Bar that will promote the concept of wine from all over the world with bytes of authentic Mediterranean cuisine and a specialized program for wine lovers. Portonovi service will also be enriched by the opening of the Hipotekarna Bank branch. Art lovers will continue to enjoy the carefully selected artworks of the Pizana Gallery. The exhibition space of Pizana Gallery is a meeting point for members, art lovers and associates. Press Information September 2nd 2019 All visitors while in Resort can enjoy complimentary WiFi. Portonovi Resort, the upcoming destination in the Mediterranean is unlike any other in this part of the world. Positioned at the entrance to the breath-taking Boka Bay, Portonovi offers its visitors new delights to awaken your summer senses: foods to taste, sights to excite, and new people to connect with. The detailed list of events will be available at all Portonovi channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. For press enquiries please contact: Adrijana Husić, Marketing and Communications Manager, Azmont Investments; Mobile: +382 69 010 177; +382 67 177 137;

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